Tax Law
LME provides clients quality taxation law services, for highly competitive fees, including assisting clients with:
- Commonwealth and State tax issues
- Dealings with the Australian Tax Office
- Income tax and deductions
- Company tax
- Capital gains tax
- Exemptions and concessions
- Deductible gift recipient endorsement
- Fringe benefits tax
- Goods and services tax
- Stamp duties
- Payroll tax
- Tax debts
- Reviews and appeals
Accountants & Auditors
In some cases it may be prudent to obtain initial tax assistance from an Accountant or Auditor, to ensure that your records are in order or you have made the appropriate lodgements, for example. There may also be useful information on the ATO website. However, please be aware that some of the information on the ATO website represents the ATO’s view but not necessarily the court’s or the AAT’s. If you are seeking independent legal advice or representation, LME can provide this for a highly competitive fee.
All you need to do is provide
- Your details
- Details of tax law services you want
- Payment details
LME will
- Review the information you provide
- Provide initial advice
- Provide you further services if you wish
- Contact you to seek further information if required